Avrupa Birliği desteğiyle Hollanda, Macaristan Romanya ve Türkiye’den 5 üniversitenin iletişim fakülteleri öğrencilerini ve akademisyenlerini buluşturan “Kamu iletişiminde şeffaflık” projesi İstanbul Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi’nde Gerçekleşti.
Üç yıldan beri devam eden proje; Romanya, Hollanda, Macaristan ve Türkiye iletişim akademisyenlerini ve seçilmiş öğrencilerini iki hafta boyunca belirtilen konu çerçevesinde konferans, çalışma atölyesi, proje sunma gibi çalışmalarda bütünleştiren bir bilimsel buluşma niteliğinde.
Kenan Evren Duman (PhD Candidate, Istanbul University)
‘Development Process of the Media of Ethnic Minorities in Turkey
and Its Issues’
The Ottoman Society was composed of several ethnic, religious and denominational groups. Even during the periods when the state was really powerful, these groups were allowed to practice their languages, religions, sects, cultures and traditions. As declared in the Lausanne Treaty, today, the minorities in Turkey include the Jews, Greeks and Armenians. According to the latest data, approximately two thousand Greeks, seven thousand Armenians and twenty thousand Jews have the minority status in Turkey. Every right of such citizens are reassured with the constitution as well as all the other laws of the Turkish Republic as expected from a state of law. Press and information activities of the non-Muslim people in Turkey have been continuing since the Ottoman State without any interruption. In this study, the development of the minority media from the Ottoman State to the present has been discussed. Thus, after providing general information about the minorities in Turkey, determined according to the international treaties, press and information activities have been held. Besides, face-to-face interviews with the authorities or related people from the minority media have been used apart form the literature review pertaining to the respective subject.
2-14 Temmuz tarihlerinde gerçekleşen projeye konuşmacı olarak katılanlar;
Dr. AKSIT Necmi (Bilkent University)
Dr. AKYOL Faruk (Istanbul University)
Dr. BLOKHUIS Peter (Ede Christian University)
CUBUKCU Mete (NTV Newschannel)
DEMIRKIRAN Cenk (Istanbul University)
MA, DUMAN Kenan Evren (Istanbul University)
Dr. DURAN Ragip (Galatasaray University)
Dr. GEMALMAZ M. Semih (Istanbul University)
Dr. GENT Marga van (Ede Christian University)
MA, GUL Oyku (Maltepe University)
Dr. INCEOGLU Yasemin Giritli (Galatasaray University)
KADIBESEGIL Salim (ORSA Strategic Communications Consultancy)
MA, KURTOGLU Sergun (Istanbul University)
Dr. MENGU Murat (Istanbul University)
Dr. MENGU Seda Cakar (Istanbul University)
Dr. OPIYO Baruck (Eastern Mediterranean University)
Dr. TOPUZ Hifzi (Turkey Association of Mass Communication Researches)
Dr. TURAN Ilter (Bilgi University)
MA, YALIN Didem (Istanbul University)
Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkiye
Asilbek Abdurrahmanov
Gamze Gümüş
Murat Ünsal
Unsal Babayigit
Kenan Evren Duman
Arzu Caglar
Melis Manav
Dr. Serra Görpe
Dr. Nilufer Pembecıoglu Ocel
Adem Ayten, MA
List of Hungarian Participants
Karoli Gaspar University, Budapest, Hungary
Marietta Báldi
Huszár Melinda
Koncsek Barbara
Ligeti Szilvia
Matíz Ágnes
Moskovits Gábor
Szabari Melinda
Szakácsi Eszter
Dr. Piroska Komlosi
Dr. Imre Lazar
List of Romanian Participants
Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
Cornel Nicolae Crisan
Rita Melissa Looij
Alexandru Codrenau
Paul Farcas
Corina Boei
Veronica Ilies
Flaviu Calin Rus
Ilie Rad
List of Romanian Participants
Vest University, Timisoara, Romania
Paula Ionescu
Georgiana Panzaru
Sava Carina Iuliana
Alina Babolea alina
Claudia Spridon
Suzana Marinescu
Laura Radu
Simina Darabant
Claudiu Mesaros
Emanuel Ionut Crudu
List of Dutch Participants
Ede Christian University, Ede, The Netherlands
Elizabeth Eline Hoogenboom
Tjabina Marije Knevel
Sebelan Kilic
Masooma Yousoufzai
Martijn Jonkman
Joliene Heimgartner
Lidwina Clazina Wilhelmina Brusche
Mirjam Wilhelmina Figge
Jan Cornelis Fontijn
Dr. Peter Blokhuis
Drs.Arno van Doorn
Drs. Karlijn Goossen
Dr. Marga van Gent
Drs. Ton Veen
Dr. Tjirk van der Ziel
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Look who's here :) I'm happy to remember the great time I had in Istanbul. I also have a short video from the Summer Course on my blog: www.carina_sava.blogspot.com
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