30 Ekim 2015 Cuma

Ateş Arabaları ntv radyo

dinlenilesi 2 spor insanı ve bu coğrafyaya bir beden üst program

dinlerseniz cuma akşamları

tekrarlarını dinlerseniz ntv radyo internet sitesinde

podcastleri de http://www.ntvradyo.com.tr/ e de

28 Ekim 2015 Çarşamba

Now everything changes with a greater speed in this process of doing journalism and educating journalists. What to know? What to learn? What to teach? What to do? How to commit?

ln its heavy stage capital was as much fixed to the ground as were the laborers it engaged. Nowadays capital travels light - with cabin luggage only, which includes no more than a briefcase, a cellular phone and a portable computer. It can stop-over almost anywhere, and nowhere needs to stay longer than the satisfaction lasts. Labor, on the other hand, remains as immobilized as it was in the past –, but the place which it once anticipated being fixed to once and for all has lost its past solidity; searching in vain for boulders, anchors fall on friable sands. Some of the world’s residents are on the move; for the rest it is the world itself that refuses to stand still (BAUMAN, Liquid Modernity)